Fallout shelter attack levels
Fallout shelter attack levels

fallout shelter attack levels fallout shelter attack levels

If you've not upgraded the rooms, that's very easy to do without putting yourself into danger.

fallout shelter attack levels

If you're not playing on Survival Mode, you can also rush those rooms a few times to get additional stuff. Later on, when you have near-perfect dwellers with lots of hp and an arsenal of good mid-tier weapons and equipment, plus possible some neat pets if you're lucky, they will require a lot fewer stimpaks and no rad aways at all. Instead, just focus on a few, and give them the best equipment that you have. Sending out too many badly equipped and untrained dwellers is just a drain of resources. If you feel you need to upgrade your science lab and your med bay, then that's probably a sign that you're sending out too many low-hp people who chew through too many stimpaks.

Fallout shelter attack levels